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首页 >> 产品展示 电动剪刀,电动绑枝机,电动修枝剪,40v ,36v,58v,18v 多功能锂电园林工具 生产制造







Vedio :

Rated Voltage : 18V ,2AH

Weight : 800g
Rated Frenquency : 50HZ / 60HZ 
Cutting diameter : 20mm
Charger time : 1 hours 
Input Voltage : 18V 
Power : 260W
Elapsed time : 8 hours /cycle
Oscilation Frequency : 12000 Rpm /Min 
Swith : 
1 : One tigger to change the cutting size  
 2 : oN /OFF Forward 
Blade : SK-5 
Body :  Alumium Alloy
Motor : Blad ( Brushless )
Torque Stage : 16 Position
Battery : Li-battery 
Certificate : CE
Warranty against manufacturing faults: 
12 months
  Efficiency: Electronic pruners are considerably more efficient than manual pruners. You may be able to cut pruning time by 20 to 40 percent-especially later in the day. Hand fatigue after several hours can cause workers who use manual pruners to make slower, ragged cuts. These electronic pruners provide a smooth clean cut all day long. 
Safety: One of the most common wrist disorders associated with pruning is carpal tunnel syndrome. It is not unusual for rehabilitation and therapy to represent the majority of the final cost of surgically treating carpal tunnel syndrome. In the end, an individual case, including surgery, rehabilitation and therapy, and other work-related expenses can cost up to $29,000. Important note: these pruners work like a pneumatic pruner in that the anvil and blade will close completely upon activation of the trigger. Be sure to check out our stainless steel chain mail gloves!
Profitability: Although electronic pruners have a higher up front cost than manual pruners, they can easily pay for themselves in certain situations. If your operation requires extensive pruning, you will recover your initial investment costs quickly-especially if you can avoid labor and industry liabilities.We use these on our own apple and pear orchard and in our grape vineyard. The ergonomic design may help prevent repetitive use injuries associated with heavy pruning. Anyone who owns or operates an orchard, vineyard or nursery, should be concerned about limiting time loss to injuries and associated labor and industries liabilities in the orchard. Investigate the cost savings associated with increased efficiency in the field as well as the benefit of limiting associated labor and industries injuries and you’ll see that our electronic pruners pay for themselves very quickly. Check our “links” section to view a selection of trade-magazine articles and government studies. 
Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: KINGSON INTERZCOOL CO., LIMITED Electronic pruners: faster and safer
              Kingson interzcool electric pruning shear and electric pruner and electric secateurs and Akülü Budama Makası and Forbici elettriche and 
            Forbice da potatura a batteria and Akku Rebschere, Akku Astschere, Akku Obstschere Weinbau and Akku-Gartenschere and Elektrische Gartenschere and 
            Tijera Electrónica and Sécateur électrique and Ηλεκτρονικό ψαλίδι κλαδέματος and Elektrische Gartenschere  and 전동 전지 가위 
            and Tesoura de poda eléctrica and Tesoura Elétrica de Podar and Tesoura de poda eléctrica and 電動剪定ばさみ and Foarfece electrice and 
            Foarfeca electrica and מזמרה חשמלית and Foarfece electrice and Električne škarje za obrezovanje and akkukäyttöiset oksasakset and
            Električne škarje za obrezovanje and بطارية المقلم Foarfece electrice Foarfeca electrica  Električne škare , baterijske škare , akumulatorske škare , škare električne , škare baterijske , 
            škare za grane , škare za vinograd , škare za lozu , škare za maslenik , škare za rezidbu ,Sekator elektryczny

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Tesoura Elétrica,Akku Rebschere, Akku Astschere,BUDAMA MAKASI,SECATEUR Electrique,ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟ ΨΑΛΙΔΙ,Tijeras electricas,전동 전지 가위,Forbici elettriche,electric pruning shear
Tesoura Elétrica,Akku Rebschere, Akku Astschere,BUDAMA MAKASI,SECATEUR Electrique,ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟ ΨΑΛΙΔΙ,Tijeras electricas,전동 전지 가위,Forbici elettriche,electric pruning shear
Tesoura Elétrica,Akku Rebschere, Akku Astschere,BUDAMA MAKASI,SECATEUR Electrique,ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟ ΨΑΛΙΔΙ,Tijeras electricas,전동 전지 가위,Forbici elettriche,electric pruning shear
telescopic electric pruner
Tesoura Elétrica,Akku Rebschere, Akku Astschere,BUDAMA MAKASI,SECATEUR Electrique,ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟ ΨΑΛΙΔΙ,Tijeras electricas,전동 전지 가위,Forbici elettriche,electric pruning shear
43.2V electric pruner and electric pruning shear
36V electric pruner and electric pruning shear
Forbici elettriche
     宁波金森工具有限公司凭借优秀的研发团队以及专业的技术优势,不断研发产品并广泛应用于市政、园林、果园、苗圃等园林绿化。公司已获得的认证及证书有: ISO9001质量管理体系认证、出口CE认证、实用新型专利、外观专利等,凭借一批经验丰富的研发人才和管理人才,宁波金森工具有限公司通过自主研发、联合开发的研发模式,量身为国内外知名品牌定制服务,与浙江大学等国内外多家科研机构合作,进行前沿性智能化技术的研究,以前瞻的设想和科学的实践为理念,为每一位客户,打造耐用、方便,环保,节能的新型产品,实现超乎想象的科技生活。始终坚持“挑战创新、永无止境”的质量方针,从供方控制、来料检测、生产巡查、成品检测、出货检验,精确地对每个产品品质环节进行严格管控,确保品质达标率。在市场竞争激烈的今天,通过顽强拼搏的精神和专业、敬业、优质的服务赢得了客户的好评,也为公司开拓了更为广阔的国内外市场,使公司的市场占有率和品牌形象不断提升。产品销售范围遍及全国并延伸至世界,有力地拓展了一条国际化的发展道路。

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